Expedition #5 - Bee's & Peas Please Cohort

Words & Photos from Nicola Y.

Our fifth Expedition was a sunny day. First of all, we went to the SMUS Community Garden for building the beehive. Before this Expedition Day, we had already finished making the deep hive body and Ms. Marti helped us making some of the frames for the beehive. After that, we went to Mr. Klenz’s garden. We were trying to clean the worms on the apple tree. Some people were using their hands, some people were using the water pipe and shot the worms down. It was a fun experience! In the beginning of our activity, we have planted some garlic and other vegetables. We could see how healthy and strong the plants were. Then we separated into few groups. We did some weeding, planting, cooking respectively. After we finished all the work, we met our sweet bees which we bought last time. They were all vivacious and cute. Finally, we had our delicious lunch that cooked by the teachers and some of the students.

After lunch, we went to Jim’s farm again. We put on our bee suits and gloves, ready for welcoming our bees. We set up the beehive and released the bees out. We put the frames which had the bees on top in the beehive and we let them adapted to their new home. We met a lot of different animals this time, for instance, two sibling sheep, two large cows, a gecko which tail has been cut off and so on. They were all impress us. And then, we moved the natural fertilizer and weeding. At last, everyone had a cup of natural apple juice to end our works. We said goodbye to our bees and wish them have a great lives in their new home. We look forward to connecting again in June for our Pursuit trip.