Words & Photos from Ethan B. - Student-Athlete Experience Cohort
Last week I went downtown Victoria with my student-athlete cohort to learn about nutrition and to have a workout. We started off by taking a trip to the Market on Yates, a local grocery store, where we bought many ingredients for the recipes that we were going to make later. After walking to the Victoria Public Market at the Hudson we met with Dr. Kim McQueen, ND (our cooking instructor) at the Good Life Fitness kitchen. She spoke to us about basic nutrition and tips on how to eat well while going to workouts and practices. Soon after we started making our first snack, a nut smoothie and a bar both consisting of mainly nuts, seeds and cocoa powder. The bar was a bigger hit than the smoothie.
For our training portion of the day, we then walked to Body Dynamics Headquarters, A little gym hidden between Lululemon and MEC on Johnson Street. Our instructor told us that we were going to go through some sets of 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 burpees and a run down the block and back. After a few sets he told us that now we would actually start the workout. 45 minutes later when we were all sweaty, and we had finished the “crossfit” type of workout, we had 30 minutes to do what we wanted to before we met with Dr. Kim again to make lunch. Some of us went to get bubble tea and toured around Chinatown.
We returned to the Public Market where we would soon make a glory bowl and granola. When we had purchased more fresh ingredients like local, organic chicken from a store beside us we began to prep our meal, cooking rice and tofu, cutting up the chicken, slicing beets and carrots, putting out sprouts and roasted almonds, and making the dressing. Everyone really enjoyed the glory bowl and most of us went for seconds even though Tadeo somehow left multiple bones in the chicken.
For our final project of the day made granola. It only took five minutes and tasted great. As for how this day went as a whole I believe that everyone enjoyed it and we all felt great afterwards. After seeing what our cohort is going to look like my group and I are very excited to see what this year brings for us in the Student-Athlete Experience.