Expedition #2 - Ceramics & Glass Fusion Cohort

Words & Photos from Michael D. - Ceramics & Glass Cohort

For the Glass and Clay Fusion cohort, our group spent the day learning about ways to cut and fuse glass. We started off by walking in the rain to the Derby classroom. The first thing that we did was learned how to cut glass to get shapes that we want. It’s more simple than you would expect, all you do is score your line in the glass and then snap it, and it should snap on the line.

Our first project was to make little orange starfish, so we cut out five shapes for the arms of the starfish. After that we picked out pieces of variously coloured glass that we would eventually cut and piece together to form a rectangle of patterns that could be hung like a picture on a wall. It was very cool to see all the colour patterns that everyone had made with their pieces of glass. Those were the main projects of this experiential day.

After we had lunch back at the school, we had some extra time so we made little Christmas ornaments that we drilled holes into so they could be hung from a tree. We made little trees and other Christmas-y ornaments. Then we went back to the school and we glazed our clay sculptures from the previous expedition day. We had made mugs, cups, and bowls. We painted them with food safe glaze so that we could drink and eat out of them. Overall it was a very fun and interesting experiential day, and I look forward to developing my skills through the upcoming sessions.