Rock Climbing -Expedition #3

Words & Photos from Brianne M. & Ava T.

Brianne M.

We arrived again at school ready to test our limits and strength on the climbing wall. This time however it would be different, we were going to Mount Wells and climbing outdoors. After quite a hike to get there, we arrived at a huge, intimidating rock wall and a beautiful view. Looking down all we could think of was "thank gosh we are connected to a rope when climbing!" Every member of the group picked a route and using all the strength in our fingers and legs climbed to the top. It was quite different than climbing indoors that's for sure! We also had the opportunity in our first day to repel which sounded amazing especially since it was the end of the day.

Day #2 of our experiential was even more incredible. We hiked up a different trail to another rock face directly across from the one we were at on Friday. It stood even taller than the first and we were all determined and ready to conquer the wall once again! Some routes were easier than others but to get a breath-taking view was all the motivation I needed. Overall it was an awesome experience and a great way to start off the last term.

Ava T.

The first last day of the Experiential Program was one of the most challenging days we’ve experienced this year. The weather was harsh, windy and cold with none of our members prepared for the chilly outdoors. However, after a few minutes of warm up and encouragement, the group was ready to head off. We hiked up a tricky portion of  Mt. Wells with our helmets and ropes strapped on us, excited for the first day back at climbing. Once we reached the climbing wall we prepped our helmets and harnesses while our climbing leaders hiked up the other side of the mountain to prepare our ropes. We then started climbing the lines, it was very tiring and required lots of effort however we all managed to finish the lines we strived to accomplish. We then took a break for lunch while the climbing leaders set up the rapel line. We rappelled off of the climbing face ourselves and tried other lines that we haven’t finished yet. After, we packed up our equipment and hiked down to take the bus back to school feeling very proud of ourselves.

The final day of the Experiential Program was arguably the best day of the entire Rock Climbing experience. We brought extra layers, food and water and felt more prepared than ever! We climbed opposite Mt. Wells on a steeper hike that led us to an open rock climbing face. The leaders attached the ropes while we set up our equipment for the last time and set out for the day. The day went by so quickly as we got easily distracted by our friends finishing their climbs and the amazing view. We climbed our lines which were about the same height as the UVIC climbing wall but outdoors!! The view was so beautiful and the sun came out very nicely. Once we finished lunch we climbed some more and then hiked up the other side of the rock face and saw an even better view of the mountains and trees. We then hiked back down and took the bus back to school again with big smiles on our faces!