Words & Photos from Anna A.
During our last two fun and awesome days of guitar making we learnt about the different genres, artists, styles, and the background history of electric guitar and how it evolved to what is it today. On Friday we attached the necks of our guitars to their bodies along with their strings. We also finished off soldering some final wires in and put our pickups together. Then on Monday we learned a bit about music theory and had a jam session for the rest of the day where we learnt how to play chromatic scales, played around with different pedals and sound effects, and also learnt some parts of the song 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana. We also watched some professional guitar players and learnt about some very cool bands and amazing names and artists. It was a very enriching experience as we learnt how to work with different tools and applied our math and artistic skills to a very joyful project such as this. The uniqueness and creativity of everyone's work in this program was very amazing as well! It most certainly is the highlight of my grade 10 at SMUS. Thank you to those who planned this out and helped make it happen during this challenging time with covid.