Words & Photos from Felina Y. & Beatrice F.
Picking up where the Fashion Design group left off last month, students got right back into working on their pieces. The day was spent in front of the sewing machines, and some students had finished their first piece. They got started on different garments and products after, like creating matching sets of clothing, headscarves or even tote bags. We practiced our sewing skills, creating buttonholes, ironing our pieces, using a surging machine and even hand stitching.
To start off the second day of fashion experientials we met in a classroom at Derby and we all got to work very quickly on our projects. Many students had finished their first project and were moving on to a second smaller project, or an accessory. It was a productive day and we all worked hard until we breaked for lunch. Lunch was quick and soon everyone got back to their projects because we only had 30 more minutes before we were gonna walk back to SMUS and learn about marketing and branding.
Everyone’s project looked great at the end of the sewing time, and many people brought their garments home to wear and show off. In Crothall we watched the two leaders, Mariel and Sabine, present their slideshow on marketing and adding a persona to your brand. We went through examples and even got to take a look at Mariel’s own brand, Today. After, Mariel had us put together mood boards for the photoshoot that she had planned for the last day of fashion experientials. Everyone was laughing and having fun, but soon enough the end of the day came. We were dismissed and all the students went home happily with their new items.