Fly Fishing Cohort - Expedition #3

Words & Photos: Hemmesh P.

For day 3 of the Fly Fishing Cohort we went out to a trout hatchery in Duncan where we learned how they made the fish that they spawn triploids instead of diploids. We saw all of the mechanisms that they used to feed the fish, how they remove the waste from the water, and how they re-oxygenate the water. This was a very informative part of the day which allowed us to explore behind the scenes of the fishing industry and think about topics relating to sustainability of the fish in our rivers.

Afterwards we went for lunch and then went to the Cowichan River. We were going to fish if the water wasn’t too high but it was about 2 feet above the bank so we walked for a bit, learned a little about the types of salmon and the types of flys and rods we should use for the salmon. We learned from our guide, Ian Muirhead, about the river ecosystems we will be exploring for the rest of the year in the cohort.