Words and Photos- Alana N.
Today was a day to focus on writing and sharing authentic, and original songs.
We had a lovely guest for the day, Anne, an avid songwriter. She helped us first thing in the morning, to get a boost into the world of songwriting. We sat in a circle and all had to write everything we thought of for lyrics, without stopping our pen from moving. Even just from a small activity, people who had never song written were creating lyrics. She showed us how to build off one idea to another as well as add melody, as well as a harmony. We broke off into groups of three or four and gave group writing a chance. We collaborated using each other's unique skills to create an original piece. We shared the songs to our whole cohort and it was a huge success! In under an hour all the groups had gotten a solid foundation for an amazing song and were contributing to a collaborative songwriting experience. After lunch we split into smaller groups of two or three. We were inspired by Anne’s suggestion to write a song channeled around an emotion. By the end of the day, after a few hours of composing, trial and error, we had four songs with great potential. The special thing was all the songs were so different from the next, and were inspired by a different emotion. This was an extremely productive day, and I can positively say there is so much potential for our original songs to come!