Words & Photos - Adrienne H.
As mentioned in our previous blogs, we did our DNA test during our second expedition day, finding out about our ancestry roots. We started our 5th expedition day by going on a trip around the world. Each one of us had the opportunity to take the others on a journey to where their ancestors are from using Google Earth VR in SMUS' glasserie. From Ecuador, Brazil, England to Africa and China. We went to some really cool places and got to see some monuments which we might not ever visit in real life. Everyone did their own research before the expedition day and shared their ancestors' stories while taking us around the world, it was definitely interesting to learn more about each other's culture as we all come from very different places.
For the afternoon, we got a chance to plan meals for our pursuit week at the end of June. From planning to actually cook it ourselves, we learnt different cooking skills and more about cooking. This is very meaningful because we will cook our culture meals. We will get to eat food from different cultures made by each student, which we are all very looking forward to. Unfortunately, we were too keen to learn cooking that no photos were taken!