Words & Photos from Toby W. and Mat G.
For the Sports Analytic Expedition Day, the cohort went to Vancouver, which was our first major excursion away from Victoria as a group and we were all very excited. Our group left on Wednesday 7:40am, and took the 9 o'clock ferry to Vancouver. The purpose of this trip was to go visit Simon Fraser University, where we had the opportunity to connect with experts at SFU in the field of data analytics, specifically related to sports.
Professors Jim and Peter (Peter is a SMUS alumnus!), spent the day with our cohort, and taught us about how statistic relate to the field of sports. Jim who is a specialist in statistics had many students went who have gone on to work in professional sports leagues as analysts. Peter showed us how to analyze a sport game by using a program called Hudi. Hudi is very useful, because you can upload your own athletic highlights and many others can view it and breakdown the data. Around 3pm, we left SFU to go back and take the 5 o’clock ferry. We left very excited to see the application of much of theory we have be learning about in our cohort in action, and are looking forward to coming together again as a group in the spring.