Writing and Visual Art - Expedition #2

Words & Photos from Meheq Bawa & Anya Nadra

Similar to our first expedition day, the second expedition day was filled with new, fun and engaging experiences. We first arrived back at Michelle’s studio and had a discussion around art and history. Specifically, about the role of different figures and how women have been illustrated in art over time. We then did a few ice breaker exercises which included working with partners to create different poses as an introduction into how body and figure is portrayed and depicted in art. Next, each of us chose a pose and modeled for the rest of the group as they sketched a rough outline of the persons figure. We did this by using a continuous line technique with our non-dominant hand. This allowed us to joke around and have more fun as no one was expecting a perfect sketch. Upon completion each of us chose three of our preferred figures to incorporate into our final painting. We traced them onto tracing paper and cautiously spaced them and drew them out on our canvas considering negative space and the possible interactions between figures. Using these considerations of our figures we switched to creative writing and wrote any dialogue or inner thoughts relating to the figures placed on the of the canvas. We then began to use paint and painted the background of our canvas as a yellow earthy tone. We continued to work with paint while mixing colors and discovered all the different shades and unique colours that can be produced from only three colours. Then, we used those colour mixing skills and implied them to our painting.

After lunch engaging in fun, interesting conversations we finished up our paintings. Near the end we did a similar writing activity as the first day. We went in a circle and wrote thoughts, words or phrases that would come to mind when looking at a painting. We wrote these unanimously so everyone would get different perspectives, words or phrases about the perception of their painting. We used these to create poems about our paintings and generated many thought provoking lines. Overall, our second expedition day was a very enjoyable experience where we got to reconnect with our cohort and have a relaxing day painting and writing. We are all looking forward to the next expedition day filled with creative and new experiences!