Words and Photos from Anya N. & Maheq B.
We started the day by driving out to Mary Lake. There was a small house that we borrowed out and we went inside to get to work. After looking around for a little bit, we got ready to do some landscape collaging. But before that we decided to have ten minutes of silence while listening to some nature music. This helped us to relax our bodies and our minds. After that we looked at an artists work of collaging and saw his techniques. We discussed the importance of space, and different shades. We started collaging while using what we saw from the lake. After having a snack, we got back to work and continued our collaging until lunch. After lunch, we cleaned up and started with some creative writing. This time we each got a dictionary and flipped to a random page and picked three words. We did this five times so we had at least had fifteen words when we finished. Then we just had time to write whatever came to mind using these words we found. After twenty minutes of writing we put all our work into a bag and everyone picked one to read out. It was amazing to see what people came up with from just flipping a page in a dictionary. We did this again, but unfortunately ran out of time so we couldn’t share our work. However, we all had a fun and relaxing day spent at Mary Lake.