Photojournalism - Expedition #2

Words & Photos by Hanson Chan

Today, we went to Heritage Acres, where we could take close up photos of cool gadgets, taking pictures of and learning about the history of old buildings, tractors, steam engines and more. After learning about the interesting history of old machines, tools and gadgets, we headed back to SMUS to learn how to edit and manipulate our photos using photoshop software. With the help of Mr. Hlannon, we were taught how to edit pictures to different effects in GIMP, an open-source photo-editing application. We learned different techniques such as "how to blur the background," or "How to correct/ enhance a picture" or "how to exaggerate or separate a specific detail." Today we all gained more experience in taking pictures of closeup items, indoor and outdoor photography and learned valuable photo editing skills applicable to enhance every photo. We will build off this skills as we move through the year in our cohort.

We have created an instagram account if you would like to follow us there: @smus_photojournalism