Words and Photos from Ria S. - Music Writing & Production cohort
On Tuesday, for this cohort, the nine students who participated all went to Mr. Farish’s house where we would be spending our day. We started off learning about all of the equipment needed, how it worked, and watched a few videos on how to edit music using music apps. We looked at some of our favorite artists and researched on who produced their songs and how they did it. After lunch, we split ourselves into two groups and picked songs to practice and then record. Some students played the piano, some the guitar, and some sang. By the end of the day we had successfully recorded two songs that both sounded great! There was a lot of good teamwork that helped the day move by quickly. We are very excited to build off the work we did during the first expedition and look forward to the opportunity to work with Mr. Farish again, building our skills as we move through the year.