
St. Michaels University School


IMPORTANT Program DATES 2024-2025

*Any date when students will be off-campus for longer than the school day will be included in this section.

Term 1 Expedition-

Ridgelines & Coastlines and STEAM: Oct. 21-24th


Ridgelines & Coastlines

Outdoor Skills: Paddling, Surfing, Hiking

SS 10 Curriculum: Indigenous Education, First Peoples Governance, Sustainability & Resource Management


Engineering: Earthquake Preparation & Tsunami Warning System

Science 10 Curriculum- Marine Biology, Astronomy, Plate Tectonics, Botany

Art 10 & English 10

Place-based reading, English and Art projects

Term 2 Expedition - March 5-7th

Ridgelines & Coastlines Expedition: Winter Camp Strathcona Park

STEAM: Whistler Invictus Games

Outdoor Skills: Winter Camping, Back-country skiing, survival skills

Curriculum: Indigenous Education, Physical Geography

Term 3 Expedition- May 12-15th

Ridgelines & Coastlines : Rock Climbing Skaha Bluffs


Outdoor Skills: Rock Climbing, Rappelling, Belaying

Curriculum: Environmental Science, Sustainability

Culminating Expedition June 9-16th: TBA

The program will culminate in a week-long kayak journey along this famed protected area of wilderness off the coast of Vancouver Island. Students will develop mutil-day camp skills, including kayaking, orientation, fire-building, camp cooking as the navigate their way through this group of islands.